
Cadet Unifroms
Cadet ACU

Lake Gibson's Battailion Leadership

Position Name
Battalion Commander Cadet Lieutenant Colonel, Williams
Battalion Executive Officer Cadet Major, Farrulla
Battalion S1/ Adlutant Cadet Captain, Delozier
BattalionS2/IntelligenceOfficer Cadet Captain, Lentz
Battalion S3/ Operations/ Training Officer Cadet Major, Benitez
Battalion S4/ Logistics Officer Cadet Captain, Mattison
Battalion S5/ Public Affairs Cadet Captain, Rivera
Battalion S6/ Automation Cadet Captain, Torres
Battalion Command Sergent Major Cadet Command Sergeant Major, Moya

Promotion Requirements: 
The following page outline the requirements or promotion to each cadet rank. Cadets must demonstrate knowledge in the areas listed to one of several battalion leaders or an instuctor.. Cadets will not be eligible for promotion until they have satisfactorily demonstrated the requitrements for the rank desired.

Generally, a cadet may be promoted only one rank at a time. However, it is possible for a cadet to advance more than one rank based on the leadership needs within the battalion and instructor approval. Additionlly, a cadet must have a minimum time in grade based in their current rank, before eligible for the next rank and will advance no more than 3 ranks a year in most cases.

Promotion is contingent on a position available vacany for that rank as well as completion of all requrements and the approval of Army instructors.

Promotion through the rank or Corporal requries only the complation of the requirements listed. Promotion to Sergant and above require the recommendation of the promotion board. 

Promotion Borad: A promotion board will be held no less than once per quater but may be held more often if the need arises. The board will consist of the Battalion Commander, Executive Officer, and at least one Company Commander, The Battalion Commmand Sergeant Major and one instructor. The board will be conducted by cadets and will address areas such as general leadership knowledge, curriculum knowledge, current events and drill and ceremony. 

Promotion Runric

-Recite the cadet creed, know all stationary commands (attention, parade rest, stand at ease, left face, right face, and about face).
-No more than 1 missed uniform wear in 6-week period
-No major disciplinary issues

-Must know all pervious requirements
-Accumulated at least 5 hours of commmunity service
-Must know all marching commands 

-Must know all perivous requirements
-Accumulate at least 10 commmunity service hours
-Must know the 24-hour clock
-Must make a 100% on cadet rank test
-No Major disiplinary issues while in grade as PFC
-Excellent uniform inspection results
-Minimum 9 weeks' time in grade as PFC
-2.3 GPA or higher

-Must know all previous requirements
-Must be able to march a squad
-Accumlated at least 15 community service hours
-Must make 80% or higher on active rank test
-Display leadership qualities and excellent appearance
-Excellent uniform appearance
-No disciplinary issues while in grade as CPL
-Minmum 9 weeks' time in grade as CPL
-Successful completion ot promotion board
-2.5 GPA or higher
-Instructor recommendation order arms, column left, column right, rear march)
-Must complete Veteran's Day parade
-Must make an 80% or higher on cadet rank test
-No Major discipinary issues

-Must know all previous reauirements
-Mst pass general knowledge leadership test (70% or higher)
-Accumlated at least 20 hours of commmunity service
-Must be able to conduct inspection
-Must pass duties of each staff and command position
-Must have outstanding uniform appearance
-No disciplinary referrals while in grade as SGT or 18 weeks
-Successful completion of promotion board
-Minmum 9 weeks' time in grade at as SGT
-2.8 GPA or higher
-Instructor recommendation

-Must know all previous requirements
-No disciplinary referrals in 18 weeks period as Staff Sergeant
-Must know how to march a platoon
-Must have outstanding appearance
-Usually LET 3's or 4's
-Must present yourself to Battalion Promotion board and answer general rank appropriate
-2.8 GPA or higher
-Instructor recommendation

(LET 3+) 
-Must have at 30 hours of community service
-Must know all pervious requirements
-Must have taken a leadership role at least twice ( class leader, squad commander, lead PT, etc.)
-Must have outstanding uniform appearnaceNo disciplinary referrals
-No uniform misses
-3.0 GPA or higher
-Must present yourself to a Battalion Promotion board and answer general knowlegde questions

(LET 3+) -
-Must know all pervious requirements
-Must pass an NCO test
-Must know how march a platoon
-Must be on Drill for at least a year
-Must be able to come into school early and stay after for a period of time
-Must have outstanding uniform apprearance
-Must know all ranks and how to address each rank(NCO or Officer)
-Must have 35 hours of commmunity service hours
-Must have a solid disciplinary record
-Must present yourself to a Battalion Promotion borad and answer general rank appropriate leadership questions
-3.0 GPA or higher

-Must know all previous requirements
-Must have at least 1 year of drill team 
-Must know how to do a color guard sequence 
-Must have outstanding uniform appearance 
-Must know all ranks and how to address each rank 
-Must have 40 community service hours
-Must have a solid disciplinary record 
-3.4 GPA it higher 

-Must know all previous requirements 
-Must be able to run all formations ( squad, platoon, color guard)
-Must be on drill/ color guard for 1 year and be approaching on or i-in their second year
-Must be available to come into school early and stay after for periods of time 
-Must be able to inspect other cadets
-Must show leadership elements in their class period( sounding off, confidence, etc)
-Must have 40 hours of community service hours 
-Must pass a leadership test
-3.5 GPA or higher 

-Must know the jobs of all staff positions
-Must have been on drill / color guard for 1 year and be on drill for a second or have intentions to do so
-Must show leadership qualities 
-Must know all ranks and how to address each rank ( NCO or higher) 
-Must have accumulated 40 community service hours
-Must have a solid disciplinary record 
-Must be able to command formations( squads , platoons)
-Must pass a general knowledge leadership test
-3.5 GPA or higher 

-Must know all previous requirements 
-Must be platoon leader or higher
-Must display outstanding leadership qualities and performance in JROTC
-Must have been mentored by at least on staff member for 6 mornings or afternoon sessions

-Must know all previous requirements 
-Must be a selected company commander/ staff member
-Must be on drill/color guard for 2+ years
-Must pass a progressively harder general leadership test
-Must be given a recommendation by battalion commander 
-Must job shadow staff member or company commander for 6 sessions 

-Must know all previous requirements 
-Must be selected for staff positions
 ( generally the battalion executive officer or s-3
-Must be given a recommendation by battalioncommander 
-Must present outstanding performance and military bearings 
-Must have 50+ community service hours 
-Must be able to lead all formations 
-Must job shadow previous xo or battalion commander for 9 total sessions 

-Must have all previous requirements fulfilled 
-Must be appointed as battalion commander with recommendation of and all army instructors 

Questions Asked:

Q.You say you're not recruting, but don't many JROTC gradutes enter the military?

  A.  Many cadets find tey enjoy military discipline and strucutre; it bringfs out thier best and allows them to execl. Some Cadets will win apointments to one of the military academies. Other Cadets who enlist in the militray will enter at a higher rank allowing them to earn greater pay and responsibility. Hpwever, great the benefits, it is important to note that the JROTC program is not set to recuit and does not request or expect a militray commmitment of any kind.

Q. Can JROTC help students go to college?

  A.  We defintely can help. JROTC training improves the ability to study, to take tests, to set goals, and to focus.

Q. Do cadets have to wear uniforms?

  A.  Yes but usally only once a week or when taking part in ceremonies. The rest of the tome, normal clothing is fine.

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